By Ariane Trelaun In 3. The Mental Game of PricingPosted February 26, 2021My #1 Mistake (& maybe yours, too)My #1 Mistake (& maybe yours, too) Back when you started your business, 6 months, 1, 2, 5 or however many [...] READ MORE
By Ariane Trelaun In 1. Managing Your Biz NumbersPosted February 19, 2021Stop Mixing Your MoneyStop Mixing Your Money Recently there’s been a bit of flap where I live, about some charges on the school district’s credit card account. A concerned [...] READ MORE
By Ariane Trelaun In 1. Managing Your Biz NumbersPosted February 11, 2021Should I Do My Own Bookkeeping? 4 Must-Haves for SuccessShould I Do My Own Bookkeeping? 4 Must-Haves for Success Yeah, I know: It does seem funny that someone who actually offers bookkeeping services should [...] READ MORE
By Ariane Trelaun In 1. Managing Your Biz NumbersPosted February 4, 2021Clear The SlideClear The Slide If you’re growing a business, make it easier by identifying and READ MORE