You absolutely can
OWN your numbers,
GROW your impact,
FEED your profit!
Misfits & makers,
rebels, industry disruptors
& world changers:
I’m talking to YOU.
You absolutely can
OWN your numbers,
GROW your impact,
FEED your profit!
Misfits and makers, rebels, industry disruptors & world changers: I’m talking to YOU.
Step Right Up!!
Being a business owner can feel like flying without a net. Sure, it’s a rush to have run away with your very own circus, but let’s face it: it’s a lot of work. And not without risk.
And if you’re like 99.99% of other creatives who’ve started their own businesses, the numbers part of it is kind of this necessary evil, this thing you’ve been avoiding, sorta doing.
You’re smart and good at lots of things, so yeah, you can probably figure out your books yourself. And you’re totally meaning to get in there and sort it out, if only that solid 8-hour stretch of capacity would fall into your lap. But you’re so busy building your business and serving your clients, that that time is really hard to come by…
You didn’t really expect this part. I mean you’re a photographer or a floral designer or a coach or some other passion-driven entrepreneur, and you just want to Do Your Thing, am I right? You’ve never felt all that strong about the numbers side of anything, and now there’s this additional bunch of financial BS you don’t feel 100% clear about…
Sound familiar?
Good news.
we got you.
The Magic?
There is profound power in numbers. But if you’re like most people, you think you’re the only one who doesn’t get it. Like somehow that numbers stuff was supposed to have been baked into your DNA but got left out. Pshaw.
Understanding the financials of your business? That’s a learnable skill, people. What you need is a skilled guide, a partner devoted to your profitability, a Business Witch who can show you the tricks, teach you to read the patterns, use that glorious bookkeeping data to scale what you’re doing to a point where it’s truly serving you and those whom you serve. Secret: it can even be fun.
How Do I Know?
Because I have a demonstrated track record of doing this myself and helping others just like you do the same.
My mission on this earth? Give you the tools and skills you need to achieve success as you on your terms, so that you can Do. Your. Thing.
Still getting to know me?
That’s cool. Come see me on Instagram, or sign up for our bi-monthly newsletter for useful tips and get a free FAQ on 1099s.
Want to work together?
YAY, me too. Click on over to the Services page to find out more about our bookkeeping services.