Oh, January: you Capricorn task-mistress you! So many lessons amidst the busy-ness of this hard month. And all of it: to be better at life itself.
Yes, sleeping would be better than laying awake for hours in the middle of the night, experiencing everything I’m worried about in sequence. Yes. Agreed. And also, wow, sometimes there’s clarity at the end of all that ruminating. Clarity is a gift.
The tarot is an essential resource in my work as #businesswitch. I rely on the cards regularly, as a way to get clear about what’s most important for me and for my work. And oh does the card I just pulled shine a bright light on what I need most right now → peace with my numbers.
I love entrepreneurship. I love the business I’ve built and the life it allows me to have. And sometimes things just don’t go the way I want them, too. Sometimes I fail.
That old adage, “you can’t teach an old dog new tricks?” Stuff and nonsense! You absolutely CAN, and if you’re feeling like a bit of an old dog yourself, guess what? You can keep learning.
What happens when you accomplish a goal you’ve had for such a long time, when you hit that mark you’ve been aiming at for years? YESSS, awesome, and then, oh dear, everything changes.
Selling my services by the hour got me started. It taught me that people would buy from me, that I could start a business. What else it taught me? That I’m not in the business of selling elapsed time. Neither are you.
What got you here is great, but ain’t necessarily (and you know it) what you need to do to keep moving forward. Maybe it’s time to get off the horse.
Does your pricing suffer from this fatal flaw? Welcome to what so many of us do when we first start pricing our work. Good news: math is not the answer. 🙂
Trees talk, share resources, help each other in ways we’ve only just begun to understand, to the benefit of the forest. You and I are not so different. Not so different at all.
Biggest lesson from my last half-marathon? Something I already knew, but needed to remember. Ain’t no magic without work, in running or in business.
Want to know how to freak out an introvert? Show her her calendar for a summer weekend and watch her spiral into quiet despair. ;>
OK, so maybe you don’t have shareholders in the traditional sense – i.e., actual owners of shares in your business – but you still have shareholders, people who are counting on you to succeed: clients, family, community. When it comes to how your business is doing, what are you gonna tell them?
Funny how things converge – how an experience on a run, and then a friend’s post about drumming – can both be whispering the same message: push past the limits you place on yourself.
Oh, but I’ve been hearing from a lot of discouraged entrepreneurs lately, feeling like they’ve been pushing and trying and not sure and maybe they should give up. Hang on, darlings: the flowers have a thing or two to say about that.
At the beginning of our businesses, there’s a mistake so many of us make that can hobble us for ages. Unwinding it starts with a little story about a can opener. ;>
It’s been a gradual stripping away along this entrepreneurial journey, and now I get it, the most valuable thing I sell.
Sales page not moving your offer or product the way you imagined? Don’t be so quick to blame your price. Maybe it’s really your So What.
The reason I’m bad at bowling has nothing to do with fate. Also file under: another wise thing my husband said.
Still working through your 1099 PTSD? I feel you. Use February 20/20 to improve your February 2020, starting now. ;>